
Showing posts from March, 2016


Think of all the reasons I cannot stand alone The weariness that finds me even when I'm home the guilt of feeling greedy the ache that leaves me needy Never pegged me desperate would never beg and plead  my world, each day more temperate they watch me slowly bleed Everything they tell me never did what doesn't with empty words they quell me and I pray for all that wasn't I paint His name on choices and see His face in voices and wonder If I know Him Wonder where He went I'm pliable and spent I'm used and I am taken Refused and I'm forsaken Phased by weak's critique Beat by pride's attack Retreat as though I'm meek And grasp the knife that's in my back I thought we had a deal This part I wouldn't have to feel This was a temporary stage Forever ago You turned the page. Still stuck in the chapter lost in the verse the "happy ever after" is the part we didn&#