"But the Lord came down to look at the city and the tower the people were building. 6 “Look!” he said. “The people are united, and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them!7 Come, let’s go down and confuse the people with different languages. Then they won’t be able to understand each other.”" Genesis 11:5

Have you ever needed someone, anyone to believe in you? Have you ever felt frustrated with the "naysayers"? Have they ever squashed your dream before you could even try? Or even after you tried? Did you give up? I know how you feel. It's happened to me so many times. It held me back for so long and I dare say I've held some back in life (to my shame) myself.

I love the story of the Tower of Babel because it's about faith. It's not about our faith in God. It's about His faith in us. We forget sometimes that God believes in us. He knows things about us that we've forgotten. The Tower of Babel proves that. God made you to do the impossible, he made you for relationship ("unity")...and better yet, He expects it of you. Fear is the only thing that keeps you from it and fear is NOT from God.

I've just returned from a trip to Wisconsin. I went to the WBBA Conference there! What's that? It's the "Bed and Breakfast Associaion of Wisconsin", of course! I was invited by the executive director and I went to see.... Can I do this? Am I crazy? Are they crazy? Will I regret it? I had to find out.

 talked to SO many people and I shared my dreams with them; for music camp, for my future, my children's future, and so much more. I was there because the person who invited me BELIEVES in me! She asked me after the first day how I felt about my dream. I told her that I felt overwhelmed and disillusioned. I felt a bit like I should just give up. I also told her that the folks at my table expressed the same sort of struggle. One guy was there to check it out for his wife and I asked him what he was going to tell her when he got home. He said; "I'm really glad she's not here, because I think she'd give up, but I see a'll be hard, but I think we might make it work." He believed in her and he believed in her dream. When I told my friend about this table I sat at, she expressed a bit of indignation. She encouraged me....Essentially? "Grabbed my boot straps and yanked them." I met a number of people like that and I met a number of people who told me what I want is impossible...that it can't be done...that I will fail.

Who are you? Think hard! Are you a naysayer? Do you push down other people's dreams? Do you push down your own? Has anyone ever told you, you can do anything you want? In case you don't know the story of "The Tower of Babel", allow me to give you a synopsis:

God made man

Man screwed up

They (he and his wife) were blocked from the garden of Eden

Sin forced them to toil and labor under it's slavery. Even the ground worked against them in their labor for food and shelter.

Women struggled to bear submit to their husbands...they too were bound by sin.

ife got bad. People got really evil, at least as evil as now, or maybe worse.

God destroyed the whole world with a flood...except for Noah and his family...They weren't perfect but they were righteous. They feared God and loved mercy. They made atonement for their sin because they hated it, unlike everyone else. God saved them.

After the flood, things were better. People got along and they started learning to make metals and music, build simple machines and tools and eventually they started to build a "skyscraper". Those things are amazing. People are smart now as they were's just most people don't believe they're least not THAT smart. We still do amazing things but this was like a "brain explosion" EVERYWHERE!

They all worked together building this tower and they all decided it would reach straight up to heaven. They figured they could do it. God said they were right and He also knew that thing He always says? That when we "exalt ourselves He'll humble us". Indeed, these folks were really proud of themselves.

He confused their languages...even their dialects. Folks split up into groups that could understand one another...moved into communities where they could communicate and construction on that tower STOPPED. Phew! It would've broke the atmosphere and they would've figured that out too. Makes you wonder if this whole "life on Mars" thing will work out, doesn't it?

Have you noticed that this whole story is about faith and relationship? How can you not notice that? Even if you don't understand the story, or disagree with God (who's always right even when you disagree from your tiny perspective that He is, by the way)'ve got to admit this story is about faith and relationship.

Who are you? Do you build people up? Adults? All of us? Not just YOUR Kids? Do you encourage their dreams or tell them all the reasons things won't work? The people who believe in me are the people I build relationship with...indeed the people I cling to. I find an intimacy with them like no one else and I also find that I accomplish much when they express their faith in me.

I'm so grateful for the little miracle going on in my life right now and if it weren't for the select few who really believe in me I couldn't accomplish it. Faith is a powerful, powerful thing no matter where it's placed.

One more story: At one point this weekend, I was listening to a web design expert talk about designing websites and I asked him a question about merging my current website with a B&B site to promote my music camp. He told me it was impossible (in front of the whole class) that they were two different people groups and that IT COULD NOT BE DONE. My dear friend who invited me stood up afterwards and referred to this man's statement and said: "I really don't care for that answer. She can do anything she wants and make it happen. It's her brand. It's her idea and it CAN work."

I think I grew 2 inches in 2 minutes. SOMEONE believes in ME!!! I can do this!!

Someone believes in you! If Jesus lives in your life...remember it's your job to SHOW people your faith in them. It's your job to BELIEVE the impossible!! You are showing them that God believes in them too!! NOTHING is impossible.

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for.  3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. - Hebrews 11:2-3


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