for the life that I breathe each day, another chance
the newness of the things I still experience for the first time
the envy of the joys I hope for seemingly fulfilled in others easily, with so little effort

for the sky this time of year that reminds me, at a glance;
I'd never appreciate the sun if it always chose to shine
the steely resolve that's made me strong in struggle and receptive to the benefit of hurt

Reminds me that without His given mercy I could not do this anymore.
Love is not something one can always see but it is my divine joyous mandate to make it so
Wounds that bleed will most certainly heal and healing always brings restoration

For the sun's rise and set, a glimpse of heaven's open door
The cleansing properties of a painful fire that pulls the dross from the gold
The fresh and sweet scent of hope and its sweetness brings invigoration

Death is imminent but never eternal. We ALL shall live again.
I am but dust and to dust I shall return.  I need a Savior and (Praise God!) I have one
I am the stuff of earth, clothed in the richness of heaven because of love.
I need Him.
I am nothing alone.

One day, He will make it all right again.
No matter how cold, frozen and dead life has become..
New life, new hope and new joy comes in time from above
This barren frozen world doesn't own me. I don't belong here, neither do you.
We are not yet home.

JM 2016

"Do you See what we've got? An unshakable Kingdom! And do you see how thankful we must be? Not only thankful, but brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God. For God is not an indifferent bystander.  He's actively cleaning house, torching all that needs to burn, and He won't quit until it's all cleansed. God Himself is FIRE!"- Hebrews 12:28-29  (The Message)


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