So if you haven't guessed, this blog is about the Commune. There are too many people that think I'm joking, too many people that think I'm confused, A number that think I'm retarded and several that think I belong in the looney bin. It's time all of you made an INFORMED decision! Honestly, this "commune" has been in my heart for a very long time. It was not a necessity then, but now it is. I haven't wanted to blog. There is too much that cannot be said and one knows that you can always count on me to say it once I open my big mouth. So I cannot write about me, not now anyways. There is too much inside of me that is not pleasant for the viewing but it will not always be so. I have always trusted the Great Physician and there is no heart surgery too complicated for Him. I will come out whole. In the meantime, I must let you see what's inside this noggin'. I may seem irrational, but I am not. I may seem illogical but...
Seriously?! I am busting with pride and joy. Such a mature grasp of the awesomeness of our Creator. And the gifting continues...