SUFFERage & INTERcession
Sufferage: A vote cast in deciding a disputed question or in electing a person to office. 3. A short intercessory prayer. ... Well, not exactly what I was hoping it would mean, but very fitting none the less! Intercession: A plea on someone else's behalf Here are two words upon which a commune (if it is to be a success) MUST be built. It is not at all surprising then, that their definitions should INTERtwine (can't help the word pictures, they just keep coming:)) There is always disagreement. You cannot have a relationship with another human being and not expect that their will be disagreement, even vehement disagreement. Someone must cast the deciding vote and often one needs an advocate to win his/her side over through an act of? Yep! INTERCESSION! Or is it sufferage??? I am not in a position to give relationship advice. I am only just figuring out some of the things I have never understood, but it is amazing how once the picture is no long...