
Showing posts from 2010

SUFFERage & INTERcession

Sufferage: A vote cast in deciding a disputed question or in electing a person to office. 3. A short intercessory prayer.  ... Well, not exactly what I was hoping it would mean, but very fitting none the less! Intercession: A plea on someone else's behalf Here are two words upon which a commune (if it is to be a success) MUST be built.  It is not at all surprising then, that their definitions should INTERtwine (can't help the word pictures, they just keep coming:)) There is always disagreement.  You cannot have a relationship with another human being and not expect that their will be disagreement, even vehement disagreement.  Someone must cast the deciding vote and often one needs an advocate to win his/her side over through an act of? Yep! INTERCESSION! Or is it sufferage??? I am not in a position to give relationship advice.  I am only just figuring out some of the things I have never understood, but it is amazing how once the picture is no long...


I love men. I REALLY love men! Now anyone who knows me must wonder HOW I can feel this way at this time in my life. I will tell you why. Any woman will tell you that women can be awful to each other! Wickedly, horribly, vengefully, tongue waggingly, scaldingly AWFUL! I would rather be beat to a bloody pulp than endure the scorn, disapproval and mockery of most of the women I know. Fortunately, there are few that I know (or should I say STILL know) that have given it to me.  Now there are many men that know and will agree that women CAN be awful.   Women are great at manipulation and control if they want to be and there are VERY few things that a (any) woman CANNOT make a man do if she is really intent on making him do them.  She can also make a man VERY sorry in a way no other man can make him.  Yes, women can be awful. I have never felt the obligation to defend womankind.  I have never felt the need to make up for another woman's awfulness, or a group of wo...


My girlfriend gave me this Christmas ornament.  This is a bad picture, but it says "The Commune" in the middle and RELAX on the upper left hand side.  Obviously, she takes me seriously....or so I thought. Then I started talking about the possibility of cohabitating in a dome shaped area.  She wasn't so sure she could handle that....something about ADD, and it not being very attractive. When I pointed out that it would be fireproof and tornado proof and required less "land clearing" than a standard structure good old Joel chimed in with the option of building a square shaped building out of fire proof material. From there on the conversation deteriorated amongst us until there was a conversation about living in mud/straw huts??????? I LOVE YOU GUYS! SERIOUSLY! You're wonderful and I don't count it against you, but NOW I again do NOT think you're taking ME seriously.   You really think we can live in rural Illinois in mud/straw huts?? Do you REAL...

A Look Inside The Nutcase

So if you haven't guessed, this blog is about the Commune.  There are too many people that think I'm joking, too many people that think I'm confused, A number that think I'm retarded and several that think I belong in the looney bin.  It's time all of you made an INFORMED decision!  Honestly, this "commune" has been in my heart for a very long time.  It was not a necessity then, but now it is.  I haven't wanted to blog.  There is too much that cannot be said and one knows that you can always count on me to say it once I open my big mouth.  So I cannot write about me, not now anyways.  There is too much inside of me that is not pleasant for the viewing but it will not always be so.  I have always trusted the Great Physician and there is no heart surgery too complicated for Him.  I will come out whole.  In the meantime, I must let you see what's inside this noggin'.  I may seem irrational, but I am not. I may seem illogical but...