You devilish brute I cannot understand you Sometimes you seem a complete alien to me like a creature from another planet gruff and grating in the voice but with a softness around the eyes and a loud and often foul mouth that betrays your strong exterior and makes you susceptible to your ever-brooding sinful nature. You cave to that nature more than most women...or maybe you are less capable of hiding it than we are. Lies have never suited men as well as they do women, but that doesn't keep them from foolishly trying over and over again. You've lost my trust and for very, very good reason. You can't even tell when you lie anymore. You don't even notice. an exterior that seems almost animal-like...with the rough beard that can wound a woman's delicate skin if she gets close enough to try to see and feel who you really are, as if for protection from a beast, or a prodding heart, or an empathetic tenderness, lest your eyes betray your weakness onc...