What the Gospel Looks Like
Bless me with a somber gaze upon my brow Break my back and bruise me black as I turn toward the plow Give me sweet simplicity Faith's brave truthful words leave behind the lights and fights the screams to beat the world's Lose the smoke, it's all a joke the costumes and the crowds the passion fades, the music stays the hunger like a cloud Never to remember the glory of the cross Fail now to understand the beauty in the loss Gifts and pleasure satiate Fodder for the want Fail now to appreciate the price with which you're bought Profane what is holy pearls before the swine "My Father's house a den of thieves" and this is all a sign….. Fall away, deep love wax cold burn away the dross as it did those years ago before He bore the cross Prophecy won't fail us It telescopes again Meanwhile the One who made us Grieves His people's sin The Word was born unfettered it dwelt with us unkemp...